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PostWysłany: Pią 9:46, 30 Mar 2007    Temat postu: News:huge penis

What Is Penis Lengthening Surgery?
You might think the penis that you see hanging between your legs is all you have, but you'll be delighted to know that you have another inch or two extending beneath your skin. If you probe with your fingers you can actually follow it down to where it roots itself on the pubic arch located just behind the scrotum. Your penis is rooted lower than from where it emerges. That's why when you have an erection it sticks up. When flaccid it forms an arch, emerging from your body at the high point of the arch and then dangling down with the weight of gravity. What allows it to maintain this arch are suspensory ligaments that attach to the pubic bone. A few years ago, two surgeons named Dr. Long and Dr. Stubbs (I kid you not), discovered that when these suspensory ligaments were severed the penis would fall forward out of the body. Thus was born the procedure that would make these two doctors and many others since very wealthy.
penis-enlargement bay!!! Smile

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